Sunday, 28 February 2021

#429 - three little fellahs





three little fellahs




listening to the sky come close

now landed


the running road

the light come loud


creatures of leaf and twig along


woke to the body’s tune

and a self too                                                          


trill and whip telling


an inward rooster

me again


touch toes


some days hear the heart tick too

measure it with lines


vast plains of the undreamt day


how I fell apart in the book





pinch and a punch again


now it’s all upfronded March

mossed March


not quite ripe

the lemons want in


March in its leaflight  

dreaming tin

the keeper of the rains



pinch and a punch

we’re here





a door in the day

for Lou Smith


none thought to lock


bring the bones

come flesh


do come in

you’re welcome


say I, the inhabited fancy


step through the city

take this pill, melt  


a fall of sunlight here

just where the day grows over


come seasons, turn

roller skates


prepare me a piano please

or any strings at all


not to show you

just to say

the only way

to make the door

is to open it

and step in 

Saturday, 27 February 2021

#428 - slept past the clock





slept past the clock

for sleep to dream again


and time came to me

all creature and possible, curled

a soft touch


was in for the long rhyme

could come anywhere


I was the mountain

lovely in leaf

pillowed up

and a muck about under

I was the cloud scud sea


the voices!

time was where we wished

known dearest, long since


slept hills and far away

high grown

adored of mothering fathering eyes


no one to say one wasn’t there

I lay in deep belief

fed on the purest of sleeps

so loved


now and then a bass growl

the wolfing down


(note none of this was a penny lost

though not all can afford)


I was the ape in the six storey tree


where the poem met


no one was prying what this was all for

long lost, may I


no perfections there


chocolate and tipple too

later replete


like to be nameless and nobody there

have to make one’s own way


it was a world spin

at Earth’s End pillars

needed to go


did you catch that slam?


healed over

as for skin


now and then fell into print

and I was the uninscribed stone


a birthday suit

was all I came in


you have to make your own door




slept past the clock

and time came to me


these are the lines with which I woke

am I telling the truth just this once

Friday, 26 February 2021

#247 - here’s the harbour and come across it





here’s the harbour and come across it

a little bumpkin calculus

(as suggested by Slessor, Murray, Olsen and others)


over that brickmaze

tiled to the skies

edge up of steel grey


city is ringing

call klaxon

no one will hear


from a bridge, see bridges

fleet so many sail of the line

could ride … we fly!


elephants once! in the sixpence days

were there lanes to begin?

a penny drove sheep or the kiddies


high from the tides

and the mackerel smack

dark and deep, dissolving


all ghostly in glass

how the harbour grows back

a silent passage


girder up crane sway

some fog down

sandstone cut


flags fly

towers up out of cracks

the river cat wharves itself again


it’s only a moment over

cross head downwards

sunk in the day


all the world’s water

has been through here

me, you, too


in the window of a breeze hung out

chug chug of the tug

you have to imagine


every other bell as well

deep heaving ferry breaths

catch lights as you come


there’s nothing you can open now

world chokes

no soot flies here


in glass, and under, past

cloudhouses – Wynyard next stop

and come into the tunnel now


city is dreaming too

and bugger the moon

just a bit of graffiti


I’m over the bridge with you 

Thursday, 25 February 2021

the craftsman gone (vale Desmond Schuller)


the craftsman gone

vale Desmond Schuller


(lantern day in the Oz Year)


a shoulder birded man at sea

and on dry land

a shed in the town of possibility

eye for timber sling

and kept a TARDIS too


bringer of wildflowers, dried flowers

trail of crumbs with the bird


one whose head spun

with great ideas


the maker

tradeless sailor

legless jokes


man with the chain

and the circular saw


ever wry, apt for…

of good cheer


and even attentive at times

(to patrons, never customers)


man in the detail

his way the highway


like that Black knight in The Holy Grail

a fearless cheeking gives


he’s rattling out the oily rag whiff

face to friend at the job


there’s that smile of ‘you can’t guess me’

some of the wheels come off

and so what?


there’s a track in your dream where he’s rolling along

next problem to solve

gingerbread gypsy

and yacht for fresh seas


much loved, and who’s not difficult?

you’d have thought that the salt would preserve him


I myself knew him only a little

but know

nobody got quite what they asked for

everyone was impressed


has he gone to a tiny house in the sky?  

spare me that kind of nonsense…

there’s still tinkering to do


Desmond was one of the miracles

I’ll just say goodbye

(some of Desmond's handiwork)

#426 - in the forever wet





in the forever wet

(one of our great dooms)


waist high walking

watch everyone up


each leaf to tree

firmly affixed

get wet


so sun far

firmly under


insect cling


come for me spider


spill of creek roar

breeze brushed

high in


this the all inhabited world


o damp!

a flowering

and green

in the come again falls



you couldn’t dream

this much of the stuff        


and if the blue

by patch, a chance


such wings lit singing

other seasons where

(RAAF, for instance)


say I, the forgetting

and gone 

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

#425 - thanklessly






notes for the gratitude brigade


trees up

train comes as per schedule

world turns too


walls for let the ivy come


for first light

all sorts of rising


animals of a particular place

accord to prevailing conditions


do wars begin end so?


gladness yes then treaty


thanks for the skin in the game


leaves fall golden

and the flowers blow


how I am taken for granted!


grief gets over us

we come from the scars


that old scare

odds are survival


grass grew, someone walked over my grave

just a saying


thanklessly love runs out

who will obey the signs?


idea came to me

vision in a thankless dream

and day tasks too


keep a grip


much suffered the generations before

and should they be thanked for that?

then what?


bowels open

all is expectation


some things make sense

and there are others


no one said sky

people just call names


point these things out

and no one will thank you


malignant is its own religion

but what for my lunch?

how about the sweatshop clothes?


and off my own back


thank the birds for singing, twit

like it was meant for you


much blameless

nobody raised from a choir


nor does this dent the magic

deny the mystery


I’d thank you for listening this little while

but nobody really does that 

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

#424 - ekphrastic for Margel Hinder’s ‘Man with Jackhammer’ (1939)






for Margel Hinder’s ‘Man with Jackhammer’ (1939)


little objects made of angles

and colour in shadows spun


and where is the state?


here in his box

this man is the millions

we know they obey


looks like an inoculation

out of Depression into a war but


hands bigger than the head we are

when once we could believe

stubby Stalin fingers


frame to prison alien labour

a shame all we lose along the way


an arbitrary making

bent to fit

machine distortion


I’d like to imagine a little perruque

the pawprints left in the slab


in timber

the flesh

made stone


this machine kills fascists too

and that is a relief 

Monday, 22 February 2021

#423 - TODAY - first microphone on Mars




step on a crack



come through

all do


do it headlong

drag in the cat


grudge nurse

and get away with


be nether worlded

fold to fine print


sigh for up

that’s gone


keep a grip


spread superstition



let me wish and why not


come clouds

catch on the way


go without goggles

be the trap yourself


am paid in just attention


it is a sort of sailing

demons come

with yo heave


you may have been deliberately lit

else smoulder, burst


who will you meet?


fall into a skin and feel it

take me too

for the sake of



adventure of a long way down


beginning is a apocryphy  

one must live the machine


ladder up later

thin slippered


race angels under

do it in style

glitter and frip


fall off the page

or hit the back cover

if that was your mission


do and enjoy

fill the hours with while


shall I spell it out then?

this is your permission

you can show teacher this note